The Bosslight Bookstore
Today I wrote a little something about one of my favorite book stores. So click on the link and head on over to Austin Mystery Writers and check it out!
Posted in Austin Mystery Writers, Book store, Writers and tagged Alexandra Burt, art, Austin Mystery Writers, books, Dutch Curridge, George Wier, Joe Lansdale, Kathy Waller, Laura Oles, Nacogdoches, Scott Montgomery, Tim Bryan, VP Chandler by VP with 1 comment.
Interview on KAZI Radio
A big thank you to Hopeton Hay and his interest in our anthology, Lone Star Lawless. It was my first time to be on the radio! I was so nervous that I forgot to talk about more stories and I forgot to mention that all proceeds will go to the Port Aransas Library. I also want to thanks Scott Montgomery and Molly Odintz for letting me be a part of it.
Posted in Austin Mystery Writers, Interview and tagged Austin Mystery Writers, Hopeton Hay, KAZI, Lone Star Lawless, Molly Odintz, Scott Montgomery by VP with no comments yet.